Wheelfreedom Wheelchair Makes A Difference In Uganda

Fri May 24 2013

Wheelfreedom have donated a wheelchair to Fred Batale, a librarian for charity 32° East. Fred has been disabled since contracting polio at a young age and had not been able to obtain a wheelchair previously. 32° East, the Ugandan Arts Trust are a small charity based in Kampala that supports the local arts community with the information, resources and exposure it needs to raise the profile of Ugandan art.

The wheelchair is being used by Fred Batale, a young Ugandan who now works as a librarian for the charity. Fred developed polio at the age of 3, leaving him unable to walk. For many years he was forced to either move around on hands and knees, or rely on others carrying him. Eventually, a tricycle helped him move around more easily on his own, but wasn’t ideal in an indoor environment.

The wheelchair, a brand new Breezy Moonlite lightweight foldable wheelchair, has allowed Fred to move around in comfort, allowing him to regain his independence. He has since written to us thanking Wheelfreedom for the wheelchair, which has helped him in particular when moving around his workplace.