At Wheelfreedom, we pride ourselves on being trusted, knowledgeable, impartial, dependable, and progressive. The safety and comfort of our customers is at the forefront of what we do, which is why we are pleased to offer assessments on all our powerchairs, mobility scooters and prescriptive products.
Part of the assessment service we offer allows you to familiarise yourself with a broad range of mobility aids to see which one works best. During the assessment, you can receive expert advice to help you make an informed choice.
Whilst it is not a legal requirement to have an assessment with powered mobility aids such as powerchairs and mobility scooters, we consider it good practice and offer it to all our customers who are considering purchasing a product through ourselves. The service we provide is what sets us apart from other mobility retailers as we go the extra mile to ensure you are completely satisfied.
What does a Powerchair, and Mobility Scooter Assessment include?
Each assessment we carry out will be uniquely tailored to your individual needs. Generally speaking, an assessment will give you an overview of how to use our mobility products, whilst assessing your capability to operate them in a safe way.
At Wheelfreedom, we will assess the following:
Physical ability
Cognitive ability and judgement
Safety awareness
Vision (testing your ability to read a numberplate at 12.3 metres)
Overview of the highway code for scooter and powerchair users
Ability to operate steering, throttle, and brake
Ability to adjust and use mirrors (if applicable)
Health conditions
Lifestyle adaptations and home living
A demonstration of a variety of products will also be included to help you make a comparison whilst learning about the different configurations and functionality.