Looking After Your Mobility Scooter During the Winter Months

Wed Nov 07 2018

Christmas sandwiches are appearing in supermarkets, it’s getting darker earlier and, most noticeably, it is starting to get colder. This can only mean one thing. As Game of Thrones tells us regularly, winter is coming. With the cold and the wet becoming more prominent in your day to day routine, it is important to ensure that your mobility scooter is working at its absolute best. Here we have some tips on how to keep your scooter working at its finest throughout the most wonderful time of the year.

During this time of year, you will often find that your scooter will collect more dirt than usual, combining this with the increased rainfall and moisture in the air and it can cause quite a problem. It is always advisable to clean your scooter when you get back home as dirt and moisture can get into parts of your scooter and cause it to rust. Further to cleaning your scooter after use, keeping it indoors and keeping it covered whenever possible is recommended, including getting a protective cover for your control panel wherever possible.

One thing which is often overlooked is to check your tyres. You should ensure that the tyres have enough tread to handle the frostier and wetter conditions of the roads and pavements. If they are starting to bald, or look like most of the tread has gone, which will naturally happen over time, it may be worth getting new tyres put on before the roads get too dangerous.

The next tip sounds obvious but is definitely very important when the weather gets colder. Make sure your batteries are fully charged. One thing you do not want is for your battery to run out whilst you are at the shops, or out on a day trip. Not only is it an inconvenience having to be pushed back home, but it is also dangerous to be stuck out in the cold for too long. So, ensure that you look after yourself as well as your scooter and wrap up in plenty of layers and in appropriate clothing.

For more information on how to maintain your mobility scooter during the winter months please call us on 0800 0258 005, or contact us through Facebook, or via Twitter @Wheelfreedom.