Disabled Access On London Buses

Fri Mar 07 2014

In an update to our previous post on disabled access to the London Underground, we can bring you news on wheelchair and scooter use on London Buses. With buses serving many more locations than the Tube, disabled access is particularly vital for those wanting to get out and about.

Transport for London has been making improvements to wheelchair access on buses of late, with more accessible bus stops introduced, as well as brand new Routemasters that come with low-floor access at all three doors – meaning wheelchair users can board at any door, rather than just the one.

One particular bugbear for wheelchair users travelling on buses is that the designated wheelchair space can often be taken up by a buggy. In response, London Transport has rolled out a campaign to make clear that wheelchairs take priority over buggies. This campaign has recently seen them working with buggy manufacturers to create easily folded ones that don`t take up so much space when transported on buses.

The Travel Mentoring Scheme has also been introduced, which provides support to disabled people looking to make use of public transport. The scheme offers support for planning a journey, as well as a mentor who can accompany you on the first few journeys, to help build up your confidence. They are also able to advise on bringing a mobility scooter onto a bus – crucial, as people are often uncertain what size of scooter they can drive onto a bus.